TP钱包转账-TP钱包转账 TokenPocket官方版下载及使用指南
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TP钱包转账 TokenPocket官方版下载及使用指南
发布日期:2025-02-19 15:58    点击次数:102



1. iOS用户:盛开App Store,在搜索栏中输入“TokenPocket”进行搜索,找到官方运用,点击下载装置即可。

2. Android用户:盛开Google Play商店,在搜索栏中输入“TokenPocket”进行搜索,找到官方运用,点击下载装置即可。


1. 盛开TokenPocket运用,点击“创建钱包”按钮。

2. 成立钱包称号和密码,密码必须包含字母、数字和稀零字符,提议成立复杂度较高的密码。

3. 安全备份助记词,确保在安全的环境下抄写正确,况兼不要流露给他东谈主。

4. 考据备份助记词,按依法程输入备份的12个助记词,完成考据。

5. 钱包创建完成,您不错启动使用TokenPocket贬责加密货币了。


1. 点击“财富”页面,选拔相应的加密货币。

2. 点击“转账”按钮,输入收款地址和转账金额,选拔转账速率和手续费。

3. 阐明转账信息无误后,点击阐明转账,输入密码完成转账操作。


1. 点击“来去”页面,选拔相应的加密货币对。

2. 输入来去金额、价钱、止盈止损等关联信息,阐明无误后点击“买入”或“卖出”。

3. 阐明来去信息无误后,输入密码完成来去操作。


1. DApp浏览器:不错打听各式基于区块链工夫的去中心化运用。

In addition to its top-notch security features, Bither Wallet also offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for both new and experienced investors to navigate. The wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, allowing you to conveniently store all of your digital assets in one place. Whether you're a casual investor or a seasoned trader, Bither Wallet has the tools and resources to help you manage your investments with ease.

One of the key features of the Bither Wallet is its use of cold storage for storing the majority of users' funds. Cold storage refers to the practice of keeping private keys offline, away from internet-connected devices, which significantly reduces the risk of hacking. By using cold storage, the Bither Wallet helps to safeguard users' funds from potential cyber attacks and hacking attempts.

2. 财富贬责:不错稽查钱包内各式加密货币的余额和来去纪录。

3. 社区活动:TokenPocket会不如期举办各式数字货币关联的活动,用户不错参与并获得奖励。

